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Ho Ho Ho! Christmas was merry!

On Saturday 25th July, a stalwart group of revellers braved the cold and travelled to WLT for Christmas in July frivolity. Everyone joined in to a hilarious DIY playreading of 'The Farndale Avenue Housing Estate Townswomen's Guild Dramatic Society Production of A Christmas Carol'. Random sheets of the script were handed out, and so there was a constant change of people reading. To avoid confusion (!!!), there was a relevant hat for every character, all labelled. The subsequent mayhem added to the general hilarity. There were interesting nuances of character interpretation!!

Interval, with much good food and convivialty, stretched on till midnight, and somehow Act 2 was never achieved! It was a fun night, enjoyed by all. Thanks to everyone who came along and helped make the fun! And thanks Bernadette Wheatley, Peta Ripper and Shirley Sydenham for organising it, along with Tony Tartaro as milliner to the stars!

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