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Calling all playwrights...!

Play Six started out under the WLT umbrella and now continues independently.

Each year the process always starts like this: a call for submissions from playwrights. The end result of a long process of reading and selection, followed by matching a director to each of the six successful plays, followed by casting and rehearsing is a season in December.

So if you're a playwright, or even if it's something on your bucket list, what have you got to lose? Get your submissions in!!

ATTENTION PLAYWRIGHTS Birnam Wood Theatre will be holding its eleventh season of PLAY SIX In mid-December 2016 PLAY SIX showcases some of Victoria's - & indeed Australia's - best new & young playwrights, at the same time as providing a vehicle for local up-and-coming directors and actors to work with cutting-edge material. We are calling for short play scripts of between 10-15 min in length. Any material will be considered, although preference will be given to plays which involve minimal/no set requirements.

Please send your text to the co-ordinator before 15th July 2016:

Please observe the above deadline as late submissions will not be considered. Any enquiries can be directed to the co-ordinator via email above or on 0424 780 971.

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