Mr Green at the VDL Awards 2015
Williamstown Little Theatre is proud to announce its success at the Victorian Drama League Awards. Visiting Mr Green by Jeff Baron was the WLT entry. There were twenty six entries, seventeen of them in the Drama category. Awards Night was held on Sunday 6 December.
George Tranter was nominated for Best Set Design.
Kieran Tracey was nominated for Best Actor in a Drama in a Leading Role.
Barbara Hughes and Maria Haughey were awarded the Gold Award for Best Hand and Set Properties, an inaugural perpetual trophy.
And in the culmination of the night, Visiting Mr Green and Sunshine Community Theatre's Ruben Guthrie shared the Gold Award for Best Production!
Congratulations to our co-winners, Sunshine Community Theatre... the perpetual trophy will be at their place for 6 months and then at ours!
Congratulations to everyone involved in the team effort that brought Visiting Mr Green to our stage in a truly beautiful production.

Director Brett Turner and Production Coordinator Bernadette Wheatley accepting the Best Production trophies

Winners are grinners! Or just a little teary...
Front L-R: Trevor Hanna (Mr Green), Brett Turner, Assistant Director Adrian Valenta
2nd row L: Kieran Tracey (Ross) R: Bernadette Wheatley
3rd row L: Emma Hunt (one of the backstage team), R: Shirley Sydenham, Stage Manager Pinnacle: Tony Tartaro (costumes)